My Single Friend is an online dating site created by Sarah Beeny, the TV presenter. As well as offering advice on property development it appears that she also enjoys setting her friends up on dates. She has transferred this idea into an internet dating site.
The unique selling point of this internet dating site is the fact that it is your friends who write your profile and describe you. Your friend can then search the site and find people they think will be a good match for you! Choose a friend who knows you well!! Singles are also linked by who they know so you can check out each others friends to get more of an idea about the person you are interested in.
The pages are set out clearly and searching is relatively easy. You can search by all the usual methods such as postcode, age, gender, has children etc. As everyone is linked you can also check out the person's friends or people they have linked with. You can search for profiles with or without a photo as well.
All in all this is a good site that has received endorsement from Radio 1 as well as other sources such as Vogue and FHM. This internet dating site has a trendy and cool image and is mostly used by young people. The ethos is to try and make online dating less cringey by making it as natural as possible- hence the way your friends get involved, as a way to make it more sociable.
If you are wanting to keep the fact you are online dating then this isn't the site for you so check out some of the others.
This internet dating site is best used to find people in your area.